This makes them perfect to store large amounts of text such as company names and other important content. The PNG format is an excellent choice because it’s lossless, meaning that no data will be lost when you save your image in this format. PNG images are used for a variety of purposes on the web, including logos, avatars, and screenshots. The PNG format is supported by most modern browsers. They can be compressed with either lossy or lossless compression methods. PNG images are typically smaller than comparable GIF images and are suitable for use on the web. The PNG specification has been published by W3C since 1998. It supports transparency, multiple color depths, gamma correction, grayscale, paletted, RGB, CMYK, indexed color, 16-bit/32-bit integer or floating-point pixel formats, invert colors, convert to sRGB, has alpha channels, specifies interlacing behavior, optimizes file size, store metadata inside of files, allow progressive transmission through HTTP, use gzip encoding, support background images, provide ICC profile information, includes comments, etc. PNG was created as an improved, patent-free replacement for Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), and is the most widely used lossless image compression format on the web.
Portable Network Graphics (PNG) is a bitmap image format that employs lossless data compression. Portable Network Graphics (PNG) is a bitmapped image format that employs lossless data compression. Compression rates of 10:1 or 20:1 yield little degradation in image quality.What is Portable Network Graphics (PNG)? Uses, Advantages and Disadvantages Compression rates of 100:1 can be achieved, although the loss is noticeable at that level. JPEG involves a lossy compression mechanism using discrete cosine transform (DCT). JPEG is a joint standard of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU-T T.81) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 10918-1). JPG is a graphical file format for editing still images, it offers a symmetrical compression technique which is processor intensive and time consiming in both compression and decompression. The JPG file is a great format as it often manages to compress files to 1/10 of the size of the original file which is especially good for saving on bandwidth. The JPG format is often used in digital camera memory cards. The resultant 'lossy' file means that quality can never be recovered. JPG's are often used for web sites and email as they are generally smaller file sizes as they are lossy meaning that some image quality is lost when the JPG is compressed and saved.

PNG was intended to be able to transfer images on the Internet, not professional graphics, and so does not support other colour spaces (such as CMYK). PNG supports palettes of 24-bit RGB colors, RGB images or greyscale or RGB images. GIF as they also include an 8-bit transparency channel, which allows the colors in the image to fade from opaque to transparent GIF images only support fully opaque or fully transparent pixels. GIF file), but without those copyright limitations it cannot be animated like a GIF image. PNG uses indexed colors and lossless compression (like a. It was created originally to replace the GIF file format when it was announced that the companies who created the GIF format wanted royalties.

PNG pronounced ping is a format for storing bitmapped (raster) images on computers.